Saturday, May 28, 2011

AussiesLoveBoo is looking for a new co-owner!

Hey Guys!
So I started AussiesLoveBoo all on my own and for nearly one year now, I've been managing it on my own. Recently, I have unfortunately been neglecting the AussiesLoveBoo pages. I apologize as I have been extremely busy with school and my pending exams. I have come to realise that I can't do this on my own so I was wondering if you, yes you reading this, would like to become my new co-owner!
I'm looking for someone who is a fan of Booboo and the Stewarts. Preferrably Australian. Some skills with social networking sites and especially someone who has some free time and is willing to help.
For more details, tweet/DM me @AussiesLoveBoo or any other social networking site (links are on the side).

Thanks you guys, and I'm hoping to hear from you soon! :)