Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wedding Picture from Breaking Dawn!

So if you've been keeping an eye on Booboo's Facebook, you would have seen this picture on his fan wall. This is a photo of the wedding from Breaking Dawn. You can see Booboo in the left. Now we really can't wait for Breaking Dawn! AND don't forget to 'like' Booboo on Facebook, just click here.
Thanks Scott Kilgore (@Sco357) for the pic!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

AussiesLoveBoo gets some new co-owners!

As promised, when we reached 400 followers on twitter, I had a special announcement! Well here it is...

I couldn't decide who my new co-owner should be, so I decided to have many co-owners. In specific, 3 new co-owners. I thought with 4 co-owners altogether, it would mean that AussiesLoveBoo can reach it's full potential.

So, without further adieu please welcome the new @AussiesLoveBoo co-owners: @Donelle85  @amyyyboulter and @rubytherandom4.

Everyone, be sure to say hi to them! And get ready for an AussiesLoveBoo takeover! :)