Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Okay, so today is the last day to send in questions for the interview with Booboo. I would like to send it to him before his schedule gets too hectic. *Watch this space for the interview, because it will be posted here!*

Also, a Breaking Dawn pic has been released. It features Edward and Bella in a very intimate scene. Click here to check it out.

And, I just want to say a few more words about the floods in Queensland. I can't give you exact figures, but thousands upon thousands of peoples' lives have been affected by these floods. Their homes, businesses and possessions have been destroyed. In some cases, loved ones have been lost. The death toll is now 13, with more than 70 missing, and grave fears for 12.
I  would like to take a minute to mention Jordan Rice. He was a 13 year old kid, was afraid of water and couldn't swim. He told rescuers 'save my brother first'. They saved his 10 year old brother, but they could not save Jordan or his mother. He was a true Australian hero, and he will never be forgotten for his courage. RIP Jordan Rice ♥

Please send your thoughts and prayers to every in Queensland and those affected. To donate and for info, click here.

Sorry if this post hasn't been very Booboo related, but this is an Australian fan page. I think it's important that I mention what is going on in Queensland.

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