Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas Booboo Stewart!

Merry Christmas Booboo!
We just wanted to wish you and your family a happy holiday!

Here's a little something that we've been working on from us at AussiesLoveBoo and your fans! Hope you like it!

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Thanks to everyone for taking part in our little project! :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

AussiesLoveBoo turns ONE!

Hey guys! It's Ashley here.

The 14th of July is a pretty big day for us because it is the birthday of this fan page. We've been so busy that we didn't even realise it had passed until now!

So yes! 
AussiesLoveBoo is now officially a year old!
I wanted to take this time to thank each and every one of you guys for following and supporting. From the very beginning, when I first started this page, you guys have been there. And now this page is expanding with our new co-owners Donelle, Amy and Ruby.

It's great to see so many Booboo fans out there, and I'm sure we will see a lot more fans join the family soon. Especially with the release of Breaking Dawn, his new album, Jake Stevens, White Frog and all the other projects Booboo has lined up.

Thank you guys for supporting AussiesLoveBoo in our effort to support Booboo. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, whether you are Australian, American, Asian or European, it just means everything to see that there are so many people out there supporting Booboo and the Stewarts.

I'd like to send a special shoutout to @BoobooTheMoon for being our very first follower and for supporting us for a year now. I would thank you each of you individually but I would be here forever, so just thank you to each and every person who has been there for us and with us.

Thank you so much you guys. It's been an amazing year and it's honestly been a pleasure to have met and talked to all of you.

Please, continue to support us in supporting Booboo. 
After all, we are all here for him.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wedding Picture from Breaking Dawn!

So if you've been keeping an eye on Booboo's Facebook, you would have seen this picture on his fan wall. This is a photo of the wedding from Breaking Dawn. You can see Booboo in the left. Now we really can't wait for Breaking Dawn! AND don't forget to 'like' Booboo on Facebook, just click here.
Thanks Scott Kilgore (@Sco357) for the pic!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

AussiesLoveBoo gets some new co-owners!

As promised, when we reached 400 followers on twitter, I had a special announcement! Well here it is...

I couldn't decide who my new co-owner should be, so I decided to have many co-owners. In specific, 3 new co-owners. I thought with 4 co-owners altogether, it would mean that AussiesLoveBoo can reach it's full potential.

So, without further adieu please welcome the new @AussiesLoveBoo co-owners: @Donelle85  @amyyyboulter and @rubytherandom4.

Everyone, be sure to say hi to them! And get ready for an AussiesLoveBoo takeover! :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

AussiesLoveBoo is looking for a new co-owner!

Hey Guys!
So I started AussiesLoveBoo all on my own and for nearly one year now, I've been managing it on my own. Recently, I have unfortunately been neglecting the AussiesLoveBoo pages. I apologize as I have been extremely busy with school and my pending exams. I have come to realise that I can't do this on my own so I was wondering if you, yes you reading this, would like to become my new co-owner!
I'm looking for someone who is a fan of Booboo and the Stewarts. Preferrably Australian. Some skills with social networking sites and especially someone who has some free time and is willing to help.
For more details, tweet/DM me @AussiesLoveBoo or any other social networking site (links are on the side).

Thanks you guys, and I'm hoping to hear from you soon! :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Booboo Stewart Australia Twicon Appearances

Big news for Australian fans.
Its seems that the Hub Productions have had to cancel the Twicons in both Brisbane and Perth. For this reason, Booboo Stewart will no longer be making his scheduled appearance in Brisbane and Perth. Instead, Booboo will appearing at the Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide Twicons.

Here is what the Hub released on their website:
"Unfortunately the support required for the Twilight Tour to proceed as originally planned has not transpired and we have been forced to make some amendments to the event schedule in response. The Twilight Perth and Brisbane events have been cancelled, and due to a venue conflict the Adelaide event is being moved to the 28th of May.

Sydney and Melbourne are going full steam ahead, with the only change being that the Pyjama Party with the Hillywood Show will no longer be available.

For those who have already purchased tickets to the events that have been cancelled, you will be contacted within 24 hours regarding your options for refunds or ticket transfers. We apologise for any dissapointment for the fans, but we have to stress that without the support of the fans, events in the smaller states just aren't a viable option.

For those of you in Sydney, Melbourne & Adelaide, we look forward to enjoying our final Twilight tour with you.

Yes, sadly this is going to be the Hub's last Twilight Tour.
Here are the dates for the twicons:
May 21 2011 - Sydney
May 22 2011 - Melbourne
May 28 2011 - Adelaide

Peter Facinelli, Michael Welch, Kiowa Gordon, Julia Jones and Booboo Stewart will be present at the Sydney and Melbourne events.

Kiowa Gordon, Julia Jones and Booboo Stewart will be present at the Adelaide event.

For more information, check the Hub's website.

We look forward to having Booboo back on Australian soil. We can't wait to see him and all the Twilight stars who will be attending! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Booboo Stewart Update.

It's been a while since this has been updated.

Please take some time to visit THE OFFICIAL BOOBOO AND FIVEL WEBSITE. You can become a VIP member and have an all access look to the site plus so much more!

As you would know, Booboo just arrived back in L.A. from filming Breaking Dawn in Squamish. Booboo tweeted "WHAT AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE THANK YOU SUMMIT" and Mrs Stewart said on her facebook "nice having the family back together again, its been a while,". We hear that filming went well and we are all very excited to see BD.
Check out this vid that Justin Chon uploaded to his youtube account (feat Booboo Stewart).
Plus, Booboo's episode of The Haunting Hour aired recently. We don't have the Hub Network in Australia, so thank God for youtube! Watch it here!

And please take a minute to vote for Booboo and Fivel in Popstar's Poptastic Awards. Click here to vote!

Check out how awesome Fivel looked at the
"Hoodwinked Too! Hood VS Evil" Premiere.

And if you aren't already;
  •  follow Booboo&fivel on twitter (@mammarazzi1)
  • 'like' him on facebook where he always talks to his fans
  • and subscribe to his youtube account. He is always posting new vids, and Maegan and Fivel post vids too. Check out their Sherli and Mindi episodes for a good laugh.
There isn't much else to say, so thanks for reading. (:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Booboo filming Haunting Hour


Why do you love Booboo Stewart?

I'm just curious.
Why do you love Booboo Stewart?
Is it because he's an amazing actor?
Because he's very talented musically?
Because he's sweet?
Because he cute? hot?

I wanna know! Tweet, comment, facebook, myspace. Let me know because I will be showing the best ones to Booboo! ;)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Interview with Maegan!

Sorry that I havent been able to post recently, I've been real busy.
But I do have good news!
The interview with Booboo went really well, so I've lined up a similar interview with Maegan Stewart! In case you didn't know, she is Booboo's oldest sister and she's quite talented herself. :)
Okay, so I'm going to be taking questions just like last time. It'll be easier if you tweet them but facebook, myspace and email are okay too. The links are just on the side <--- You can also comment on this post with your question.
So now's your chance to ask Maegan any question you like, the more random, the better! ;D

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Booboo!

On the 21st of January, Booboo Stewart turned 17. But on his facebook, he said he didn't feel like it. Lots of different people wished him a happy birthday and it's so awesome to see all the love that Booboo has from around the world.

Here's an awesome video from BoobooTheMoon. They gladly let AussiesLoveBoo feature. I personally LOVE this video and I was glad to hear Booboo liked it too. 

If by some chance Booboo sees this, I would like to wish him a very (belated) happy birthday. Booboo has given us inspiration to do what we love and believe in our dreams. I hope that success and promise follows him wherever he goes and with whatever he may do. He has brought one of our favourite characters to life and given him a smile that lights up our screens. His music has given us songs that we just can't seem to get out of our head. Because of him, so many of us fans have become friends.
So Thank you Booboo, for just being you. Happy Birthday and best wishes :) xoxo

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Interview with Booboo Stewart!

Hey Booboo! Thanks for doing this interview!
First question: @BoobooandBiebsy asked How was Alaska??
awesome I really liked it --but it was really cold ah

All the following questions are from @KassieYates @booboo_obsessed @Booboostewartly @sedie1 @BoobooTrueFans @schokopudding_ @sylvialiao @rockOn_jason and myself, @AussiesLoveBoo

What do you think of Australia?
Australia was amazing--it wasn't what I thought it would be
What’s your favourite thing to do in Australia?
just seeing the country and meeting the people there
What word do you think best describes you?
What’s your lucky number?

What’s your favourite colour?
What’s your favourite day of the year?
What’s the craziest rumour that you’ve heard about yourself?
just all the different people that I am dating
How many languages can you speak?
What do you like in a girl?
just someone who likes having fun
Would you date fans?
sure if we liked each other
Do you hate bullying??
yes -it wrong
What got you into acting?
my dads in the business
Since Seth Clearwater has a more important role in Breaking Dawn, do you feel
any pressure playing him?

no just excited
How long did it take you to get your “werewolf body”?
well I have worked out for a few years now --i just changed it up some and worked out harder the last 2 years

Did you have to eat every 2 hours like Taylor Lautner?
I dont know what he does but I do eat pretty regularly
What do you think of your sister, Leah (Breaking Dawn)?
she is an awesome person
Of all the places around the world that you have been, where is your favourite place? [No pressure! Hahaha ]
I really do like Australia
Is there a country that you haven’t been yet that you would like to go to?
I want to go everywhere
When will you be going to Brazil?
Im not sure but I want to
And are you ever going to Austria?
hopefully soon
Are you going to Toronto anytime soon?? I’ve heard that there are fans up there missing you J
again soon I hope
When will you be able to make a video of your trip to Australia? Because your Aussie fans just wanna know. Haha
i will work on it--I promise

And last but not least, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY from all your Aussie fans!
Kathy from Australia (@booboo_obsessed) wanted to send a specific happy birthday!

thank you very much!!
I'm gonna sneak one last question you have any special plans for your birthday? haha :)
I will be traveling on my birthday

Anyway, that’s all. Thanks for your time and I hope we can do this again!

So, that was it! I hope you guys enjoyed it.
I just wanted to add a quick thank you to everyone who sent in their questions and a very big thank you to Booboo for giving up some of his time for us! Have an awesome day you guys :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Okay, so today is the last day to send in questions for the interview with Booboo. I would like to send it to him before his schedule gets too hectic. *Watch this space for the interview, because it will be posted here!*

Also, a Breaking Dawn pic has been released. It features Edward and Bella in a very intimate scene. Click here to check it out.

And, I just want to say a few more words about the floods in Queensland. I can't give you exact figures, but thousands upon thousands of peoples' lives have been affected by these floods. Their homes, businesses and possessions have been destroyed. In some cases, loved ones have been lost. The death toll is now 13, with more than 70 missing, and grave fears for 12.
I  would like to take a minute to mention Jordan Rice. He was a 13 year old kid, was afraid of water and couldn't swim. He told rescuers 'save my brother first'. They saved his 10 year old brother, but they could not save Jordan or his mother. He was a true Australian hero, and he will never be forgotten for his courage. RIP Jordan Rice ♥

Please send your thoughts and prayers to every in Queensland and those affected. To donate and for info, click here.

Sorry if this post hasn't been very Booboo related, but this is an Australian fan page. I think it's important that I mention what is going on in Queensland.

Monday, January 10, 2011


So, Booboo is back in LA after visting Alaska. He is now the national spokesperson for the charity, Dare to Care. So good on Booboo for helping out yet another charity! :)

Fivel and Booboo headed to the recording studio yesterday. They were working on a new song called 'It's My Time'! Well, as Fivel was working on the song, Booboo was off daydreaming about his time in Alaska. hahaha. We're all glad he had a good time up there and got to meet more of his fans.

In case you have forgotten, IT'S BOOBOO'S BIRTHDAY IN 6 DAYS!! Yeap, January 21, our Booboo turns 17!!! So, I know @BoobooTheMoon has a little birthday project going on, so you must check that out!

Plus - there are only a couple more days to send in some questions for Booboo for our interview. I would like to send him the interview before he is off to film BREAKING DAWN! But yes, send in your questions fast! Watch this space in the next few days for the full interview!

And last but most definitely not least, I would like to take some time away from the world of Booboo to say a few words about what's going on in Queensland, Australia right now. Floods have torn through the state of Queensland. We thought it's been bad for the past few weeks, but after last night's flash flooding, it has left 8 people dead and and reported 72 missing. And STILL there is more to come. Brisbane is now reported to flood this week. Many people, their homes, businesses and livelihoods have all been affected the the Queensland floods. If you are reading this, I'm asking that you send your thoughts and prayers to everyone affected by the floods in Queensland. If you can, donate. We are Australians, we have to help our neighbours. No matter where you are in Australia, they are still in need of our support. Check out this site for information on how to donate.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 - The year of Booboo!

I used to use weebly for this blog, but I've found that blogger is much easier to use on my phone - this means I can update more!

Anyway, Happy New Year! I think 2011 is going to be one Booboo-packed year! This is Booboo's year! I'm sure you've seen that many sites have Booboo listed as someone to keep our eye on! AND we are all anticipating the release of Breaking Dawn in November, where our Booboo will be getting a lot more screen time! *Yay!* I mean, you can already see his fan base growing bigger and bigger each and every day!

I am kick-starting this year with an interview with Booboo Stewart. I'm collecting ORIGINAL and RANDOM questions on twitter, myspace, facebook and even through emails so I'm sure you can contact me somehow! The interview won't be for a few days, so send your questions in if you have them! I know there must be some random question that you've always wanted to ask him ;) haha

So, I'm hoping for a kick-ass 2011 where AussiesLoveBoo can be recognised as one hell of a fan page! Good Luck this year everyone, and a big good luck to Booboo! :)