Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 - The year of Booboo!

I used to use weebly for this blog, but I've found that blogger is much easier to use on my phone - this means I can update more!

Anyway, Happy New Year! I think 2011 is going to be one Booboo-packed year! This is Booboo's year! I'm sure you've seen that many sites have Booboo listed as someone to keep our eye on! AND we are all anticipating the release of Breaking Dawn in November, where our Booboo will be getting a lot more screen time! *Yay!* I mean, you can already see his fan base growing bigger and bigger each and every day!

I am kick-starting this year with an interview with Booboo Stewart. I'm collecting ORIGINAL and RANDOM questions on twitter, myspace, facebook and even through emails so I'm sure you can contact me somehow! The interview won't be for a few days, so send your questions in if you have them! I know there must be some random question that you've always wanted to ask him ;) haha

So, I'm hoping for a kick-ass 2011 where AussiesLoveBoo can be recognised as one hell of a fan page! Good Luck this year everyone, and a big good luck to Booboo! :)

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