Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Booboo!

On the 21st of January, Booboo Stewart turned 17. But on his facebook, he said he didn't feel like it. Lots of different people wished him a happy birthday and it's so awesome to see all the love that Booboo has from around the world.

Here's an awesome video from BoobooTheMoon. They gladly let AussiesLoveBoo feature. I personally LOVE this video and I was glad to hear Booboo liked it too. 

If by some chance Booboo sees this, I would like to wish him a very (belated) happy birthday. Booboo has given us inspiration to do what we love and believe in our dreams. I hope that success and promise follows him wherever he goes and with whatever he may do. He has brought one of our favourite characters to life and given him a smile that lights up our screens. His music has given us songs that we just can't seem to get out of our head. Because of him, so many of us fans have become friends.
So Thank you Booboo, for just being you. Happy Birthday and best wishes :) xoxo

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